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mAmB mCmD mEmF mGmH mImJ mKmL mMmN mOmP mQmR mSmT mUmV mWmX mYmZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SUNIL RAJ +machinery 7
SUNRISE garment machinery 7, 11, 16
UNIVERSAL machinery inc. 7
VICHA machinery 7
machines 7, 35
A ABHINAV machines 7
ANGEL machines 7
machines 7
GARG machines +machine 7
GRAPE brand oil +machines 4
HELLO MACHINE +machines 35, 38
J TECH sewing machines 7
JAY-SHREE machines 7
KHANDA brand machines 7
MAX +drill machines 8
MONA drill machines 7
NACHIYAR machines & spares 35
ON THE GO (vending machines 5, 31, 33
PAM-PAC machines 7
PLANO +boy & machines 28
machines 7
S JABS sewing machines 7
SALORA sewing machines 7
SEC machines 7
SEEGAR S +machines 4
SENIOR OIL +machines & tool 4
SHAH stone machines 7
SUMEET machines pounder 7
SUN TECH sewing machines 7
TL PATHAK GROUP +machines 7, 16, 35, 37
VASANTH machines 7
VEC chocolate machines 7
YASH textile machines +oval 7
YES embroidery machines 7
ZEMSY embroidery machines 7
drops & machines 7, 11
woodtech machines 7
505 DOUBLE POWER machis 34
BHAGAT chhap machis +man 34
BUL BUL machis +bird 34
DULHAN machis +woman 34
BULLET machismo 12
machli TUNA 29
OZIFIC machli 29
ATLAS macho 12
M mack 25
J maco 6
macro MAGIC 9, 42
RUPA macroman 25
mad(e) in india +design 16
shree mad bhagwat gita +god 9
madame FIGARO 14, 16, 18
madame exclusive 25
RIKO madame 3
kathleen madden +lines 25
VASU maddur 30
made for SANSA 9
made for each other 16
made in india +bird 26
made with pride MOLLY 1, 3, 16
ACCUWEIGH made in india 9
ALFA carpets made with care 27
BRI KHAZANA made in india 25
CHEMRING home made iscense 3
CHETAK made in india 9
CLC made in india 25
CYCLE hand made soap +cycle 3
D.R.M. made in india 12
FARINNI fresh as home made 30
GARG RMS ready made steel 6
GLUNZ hand made furniture 20
GNE made in india 12
GOLD CUP made in india 28
GOODLIFE living made easy 29, 30
HARDIK IMPEX made in india 25
JK made in india +circle 8
LA MA DE made in india 25
LAIRD made in india 25
LEPAAS made in india 25
LMS life made simple 21
LUV N care made with love 12
MAARKLINE made in india 25
MANGALAM made in india 21
MAZZINI made in italy 7
NETWORK M2M made to measure 40
PIN made in india 12
PLAZA made in india 9
PRABHAT made in india +oval 35
RAYMOND made to fit 35
RAYMOND made to measure 35
RIBAS r made in india 24
SAIRAJ'S home made 30
SELECT made in india 9
SHARE MARKET made easy 41
SHEENAL hand made soap +gir 3
SMART made in india +ovals 25
SMART CHOICES made easy 41
SYCODE software made simple 42
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